
How to Transition on Sixty-Three Cents a Day is a self-published memoir that details the author’s cross-country migration to access transgender health care. Set in the early 2000’s, Leopoldo Bloom uses 31 unbound postcards to weave a non-linear travelogue of his transition. 

A limited edition artist book of only 163 copies, How to Transition on Sixty-Three Cents a Day was printed using hand set type and a letterpress platen press.


 How to Transition on Sixty-Three Cents a Day is a rare primary source document that captures the interior psychological experience of transitioning, it is in several collections such as Jaffe Collection at FAU, Duke, U.C. Santa Barbara, U.C. Berkeley, and University of Miami.


In each unique book the postcards are randomly assembled. Without a standard order, every reader has a different reading of the postcards that chronicle Bloom’s transition to being visibly read as male.

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